Here I have a schedule of things I have to do in a week to keep myself happy, sane, and healthy. Self-care has been described as one of the most important things trainees can control for keeping healthy. I've read my share of psychology journals describing just that, doing that which you love and not just getting lost in work. What do I do? Here's what.
-Read my pleasure book everyday. I'm currently reading The Life of Pi.
-Listen to music whenever I can. Before bed, after lunch, and so on. I really love Kanye.
-Listen to Adam Carolla once a week. I'm trying to keep up with the podcasts but I'm falling behind.
-Exercise three times a week. I'd like more but rain really hurts scheduling.
-Facebook. I like stalking my friends and seeing how well they're doing, seeing pictures.
-Venting to in-country friends.
I keep to this pretty well. I'm very good at rallying but without the above even my positive demeanor falters.
Yo, It looks to me like you've got a pretty good handle on "self-care". A suggestion from myself would be to add some sort of artistic diversion to your regimen... a creative endeavour of some sort that yields a tangible and lasting result to your labours. Juste un pensee... P