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Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I've never seen a cockroach in person as far as I'm aware. That was never until a few days ago. Coming out of my room to brush my teeth I flipped on the light in the kitchen and set my tooth paste on the kitchen counter. As soon as the tube hit the counter top the largest cockroaches in the country scurried into my view. Crawling over the clean water jug, counter, wall, and one was sitting quietly undisturbed on the dining table. I jumped back with a heart rate through the roof, I guess I scare easily. I hear cockroaches bite and these guys were pretty large (intimidating), I couldn't decide if killing them was worth the risk. Their size was almost exactly that of a HotWheels toy car, size and shape, but self-propelled. Another reason I didn't want to kill them was that their size might produce more bug juice than I wanted to clean up. These guys looked like the tanker-truck of insects in regards to bug juice.

The point is I have cockroaches in my home. My Ate (Ah-tay) laughed when I told her what I saw and how I reacted. She said “wait til you see the giant rat.” Something to look forward to, haha.


  1. Yep, I would likely have just shooed them off too... on account of the potential mess squashing them would generate. I wonder if there is some critter over there that eats them? The giant rat perhaps?

  2. I thought the same thing about the mess they'd make. They're so big, and I'm getting used to them. They stay in the kitchen and out of my room I'm alright. I have a friend who has been accosted several times already in her bed. Gross, the gloves would be off for killing at that point, then back on for clean up.
