Whoa! I realized how much I rely on the internet today when I found
it wasn't working. The whole of City Hall has been cut off thanks to
an overdue bill not being paid. After a good day of doing what I
could without my beloved internet I figured it was a good time to
write a blog post. For this one I'm going to show you my office and
some points of interest around City Hall. Hold on to your sumbrero.
My Desk. There's my cup, phone, laptop, headphones, coffee maker,
neglected stack of Tagalog education materials, my back pack in the
corner, and my lawn/office chair. Note the locks and clasps on my
desk, everyone has them in the office.
My division boss, Alice.
My silly Counter-Part Janet toying with the office fan. It's still
hot here (95F).
Coworker and friend Tirso. He sits in front of my desk.
Friend in another division, Sheila or as she's often referred to
“ma'am She.”
Janet again in front of the curtain-door connecting to the office
sink and bathroom.
Behind the curtain-door: Sink, trash can, battered door, and
In the sink area there's a window that people often use to hand
things in and out of. As a result, things have been broken.
My back to the bathroom looking at my desk (in the middle), I have a
coffee maker. Note the two-way mirror of a window. Behind that glass
is my boss' office.
My Boss' office. She just got new couches.
The tinted two-way mirror/window. That light on the right is my
This is our water cooler. Someone felt too many outsiders were drinking our water so it was moved behind doors.
The door to my office.
The friendly copier. She just copies all day and is not indoors.
Copies are 2 pesos I think.
One side of City Hall.
Above ground piping is all over the place. Looks great.
The road running along the side of City Hall.
The Drop-In Center. Where I park my bike.
Connected to the Drop-In Center is a sewing shop run by my office.
It's a livelihood venture in connection with the community. This is
Olive and she's very sweet.
The Street Educators happened too be in the Sewing Center! Always
happy to see me.
More great plumbing.
The best place to park a bike: under a huge thick tree.
This photo makes me laugh. Who steals letters? This is the front of
City Hall.
Local street vendors.
I haven't talked much about these things but boy are they
interesting. These are recreations of old WWII era jeeps and you can
see them all over the place. I don't know how much a new one is. I do
know they're made here in the Philippines though.
Here are two raised trikes. I first encountered these here in
Cabanatuan City but I've since found they're can be seen else where.
I do think we have a higher number than most though. These two look
pretty cool and from the ones I've ridden in, they're the most
comfortable of all trikes.
This is a common variant of the venerable Jeepney. I don't know where
these come from but I think they're made here in the Philippines.
They look more modern than the regular jeepney but offer no greater
creature comforts.
This is a strange patrol car. I've seen it rolling along before and
it seems to be used often. I actually like the design. How about a
jeepney with this set-up? Might be nice, I don't know.
Here's what Cabanatuan City is known for: Tricycles. Napping is not
what we are known for but trikes often double as sleeping quarters
for owners when rest is desired.
Our Mayor invested a massive amount of money into what seems like
hundreds of pieces of heavy machinery and vehicles. I like to imagine
that's a giant rocket instead of a concrete tumbler.
The machinery often sits in this now empty lot. That's City Hall and
what seems to be the “show” bulldozer, I took a close look and
it's essentially pristine.
We have a pretty cool gathering area with a statue of Jose Rizal in
the center out front of City Hall. Behind the statue from this angle
is the local police station. I know the police captain, nice guy.
Here's a couple interior shots of those home-made jeeps. Look at how
close the seat is to the “dash” and pedals. Your knees have to be
put in your chest to operate the jeep.
I didn't notice this before but on this one it appears that the
steering column is off-center to the seat. Fantastic.
A roofing scrap-heap.
This is what an ambulance can look like here. I've seen different
versions but this would qualify as the most common in my opinion.
And that's where I work.
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Thank You Very Much |